In the area of ERP Systems, Iso Sistemi has been operating for nearly two decades in the SAP environment both as a consultant and at the level of software development and application management.
An ERP System is able to provide the integrated management of all business processes of a Company or an Organization.

Main Activities
To support the customer in the introduction of SAP by implementing the organizational changes needed to achieve the best result To help the customer to achieve the target on time and respecting the planned costs
To customize the SAP System for a “tailored” fit to the customer’s needs, so as to make its use as effective as possible To enrich SAP with not-native functionalities to meet specific needs
Application Management
To keep the SAP System at the best level of effectiveness and efficiency, taking prompt actions to solve possible problems To support the users of the SAP system to help making the best use of it
Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things
Peter Drucker
Consultants with long business experience able to carry out the reengineering of business processes
Experts of various SAP modules, with proven success in large projects
An efficient Software Factory specialized in developments in the SAP environment, using the SAP Workbench tools
Engineering Companies
Public Transport
Success stories
Hadeed Saudi Iron & Steel Co. en
Level 1 automation system implemented for Pickling and Galvanazing lines
Lucchini Piombino en
Simulation of the steel mill area and liquid pig iron transport of the Piombino steel plant